i won't lie to you. our little two bedroom apartment does feel a little cramped sometimes. we don't have nearly enough closet space now that we are a family of three...and let's face it, babies tend to come with a lot of stuff. however, i truly would not mind it all so much if we just had
our own washer and dryer.

you see babies make a considerable amount of laundry. i can't tell you how many times an adorable morning outfit needs to be changed just a few hours later because of some poop explosion and/or major spit up. i sometimes wait now to change her into her day clothes in the morning just in case she decides her breakfast looks better on either side of her outfit. however, i can't just pop a load into the washer in between feedings, naps, or playtime. we have to instead lug it all to a separate building. we are talking about laundry for 3 people as well as detergent and things lugged outside to a completely different location.
since it is a community laundry room on a college campus the place is usually in chaos. students will leave their stuff in washers and dryers for hours after the fact, so that often you are forced to pull their stuff out so you can put your things in. or you go to grab your clothes a minute too late, and they are scattered on top of the washing machine. it sucks, but sadly our apartment does not have the hook up for a washing machine and dryer. so while the other resident directors get their very own cleaning machines we do not.
i've tried to strap Zeze in her sling a few times and carry down a few loads....but it is hard. between holding her and loading laundry and then heading back to our apartment for 30 minutes while the clothes wash, to heading back down to put them in the dryer for 45 minutes, to then picking them all up and lugging them back up my three flights of stairs to my apartment with baby in tow is just difficult, time consuming, and a serious workout, which i suppose doesn't hurt, but still!
i mean we are talking laundry for 3 people here. even students doing laundry are only washing for themselves.
i'm not going lie. i have shed tears on more then one occasion in frustration over this.
i want ease, i want convenience, i want things my way.
how american does that sound?

we want our lives the way we want it, when we want it, and how we want it. we hate lines, we hate waiting, we hate having less, we are always after more. the thing is despite my inconvenience, i'm truly blessed. not having a washing machine and dryer is nothing when i think of having my wonderful husband, this beautiful girl that i am able to stay home with because of where we live, family, friends, students, and wonderful people in our lives. we have enough to eat and drink. we have a roof over our heads. we have more than we lack.
it's not to say i won't have moments where i pine over a washer and dryer, but i think i need to always stop and remember what i do have.