thanksgiving has come and gone and with it the long weekend. debo and i had a relaxing time with friends and each other. i think it was all much needed. God has been so good to us here in indiana, in more ways then we could have ever imagined.
the weekend before thanksgiving, hodson hall teamed up with it's sister dorm evan's hall in it's newly annual "Evening of Elegance." basically it's an excuse to get dressed up and eat in the banquet hall, with pretty decorations, and some live entertainment. here are some snap shots from that event...
debo and i.
the boys and i were striking our band pose.
hodson & evan's staff.
our beloved hodson staff.
and yes that is me randomly dressed up in a pinapple that looks like a kiwi costume. debo had this stupid thing for res-life advertising.
good times. good times.
so, with the end of thanksgiving starts the christmas season. i look forward to festive activities ahead with our family, friends, and of course our hodson boys. it's hard not to love this time of year. here are some pictures from past holidays.
me & some of my cousins.
our staff last year re-enacting the nativity.
i also, look forward to cuddling w/ this cutie. my chance.
*sigh* lots of love.