
Sunday, May 3, 2009

hope's got this. God's got this.

every moment of time's just an answer to find what you're here for, what you breathe for, what you wake for, what you bleed for, what you hope for, what you live for.

one of my close girlfriends father came down sick with cancer about two months ago now. he went to the doctor thinking he had pneumonia and found out he had cancer in his one kidney and it had spread a little to his lungs. he had surgery to remove the kidney which went successful, and the family waited to hear the results and the "what's next". this past weekend her papa had a stroke, and internal bleeding in his brain. the cancer had spread there. this morning he is getting surgery.

i get on facebook to read her profile update which says: "in the waiting room...on my lap top...lil sisters by my side...praying...Dad's in surgery getting the brain tumors removed...Hope's got this. God's got this."

i love her so much, and her dad is one of the sweetest men. he has so much wisdom and such a calm, patient, and loving spirit.

Papa please be with him in this surgery. Be with this family in this most scary and stressful of times. Bring healing, bring patience, bring Your love, and please Lord bring Hope. Amen.


Kelly said...

I am praying hard too. Miss you!

Kelly said...

p.s. i finally bought a mailing envelope for your present. so maybe now you'll get it within the next 5 months.