
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

soon come.

a month from tomorrow is her estimated due date.

as she moves and kicks inside me now i wonder when she is going to decide she's ready to greet the world. 

will she come early? late? right on schedule?
will she look like me? like him? like us? 

with her arrival i know our world is going to be rocked. it suddenly won't be just two of us, and we suddenly will have to think of this other little person.

i used to tell people i never realized how selfish i was until i got married....but with her arrival i know this reality wil triple. life will never be quite the same.

excitedly and terrified we wait, and we also remember. 

we remember the miscarriage i had nearly a year ago. 
we remember the pain and the loss. 
we remember finding out about this new blessing over five months later. 

i remember praying this time around that even in her tiniest state she would know her maker and feel His presence. that she would come into this world singing His song on her lips and knowing His love in her heart. 

like most women nearing the end of their third trimester i live in a state of discomfort....and yet it will all be forgotten when she comes and we hold her and we start this journey as a family.

soon come.