why does time move so fast?
especially when you want it to move so slow as to savor ever sight, moment, and taste. capturing it forever in your memory. holding it so closely so as not to lose it.
i had the great blessing to have two weeks off in arow. a week in pittsburgh and aweek in denver.
two very different worlds. both places i call home. each moment was full of either laughter & love, or rest & relaxation. i loved them all.
2010 was a tumultuous year. trying to figure out myself. losing a job and our home. living in pittsburgh with love and support from our family and friends. turning 24. celebrating 2 years of marriage. moving out to denver, colorado. meeting our students, finding a job, connecting with a church. having family and friends visit us. soaking in the splendor of the west.
i smile thinking of 2011. and as much as i don't want to time to move so fast, i also look forward to it passing. funny, huh? i look forward to students returning to campus, going skiing, getting to know our friends better, returning to jamaica, winter giving way to spring, having more friends and family visit, turning 25, celebrating 3 years, going to cape may NJ, being part of my cousin jena's wedding.
wishing you an amazing 2011.